After three long years of being a broker's assistant responsible for 35 traders, Chris Gackle knew it was time for a change.

Making the Tough Decision

Before working as a broker's assistant, Chris had rigorous experience in operations for giants like Cargill, Mayo Clinic, and more. These jobs were fantastic universities for learning much of what she knows today; however, she knew that they were not the culmination of her career.

When she transitioned to her position as a broker's assistant, it wasn't long before she realized this route was not for her. She found herself working more than living and needed to get her life back. Despite it being a great place with great people, she was married to her job and found her personal life slipping away. What followed was the tough decision to leave her safe position and pursue a more fulfilling career.

Capital to the Rescue​

Chris took the following year off to figure things out, but quickly realized not working wasn't for her. The time she took off allowed her to better understand what she was looking for in a career and forced her to become very methodical with her job search. Through this process, she stumbled upon Capital Construction and decided to roll the dice. She was not very familiar with the construction industry and had some uncertainty about how she might fit in.

To her relief, she felt surprised to learn how well the environment supports new ideas, change, advancement, and the ability to utilize one's best strengths. Co-workers were quick to make her feel welcome, and she attributes the camaraderie of the team as a big reason she finds herself so happy here.

"Growth is only possible if you strengthen your co-workers and team".

Never Looking Back​

Since joining Capital Construction, Chris has been an immeasurable addition to her team and the company. Her work began with making insurance phone calls, taking in new jobs, and creating the necessary paperwork for the production department. Today she works under Lead Estimator Cam Jauss, and each day focuses more and more on projects for the multi-family division. From there, she has been creating new ways to help them expand larger jobs and come up with creative ways for them to grow them financially. Her job is forever evolving, and that is one of the reasons that Chris Gackle has not looked back after a year of being a key part of Capital.